Dear Competitor
Please be informed as follows:
Competitors competing in A classes: 4.2 King of the Hill (Jody Trophy) – Road going saloon cars & Supercars – 4th and 5th May 2019
The event technical consultant/organisers in conjunction with the clerk of the course reserves the right to check vehicles competing in their respective “A “ classes for eligibility PRIOR to the event, where the Scrutineer / Technical consultant may seal various items at his discretion for further post event inspection.
Competitors will be informed of the need to present their vehicles for this requirement on arrival at the scheduled scrutineering on Friday 3rd May 2019 from 08h00 to 14h30 in Hedge Street, Knysna Central.
Thereafter, such inspections will be carried out at the premises of Knysna Motor Strippers, 4 Vigilance Drive, Knysna Industria.
Competitors are required to provide the necessary manpower and tools to remove any under bonnet and underbody closing panels as requested.
Geoff Goddard Sparky Bright
Sporting Director Clerk of the Course
Date: 15 March 2019